1. PlantUML Stdlib Overview


See GitHub File Finder for a handy hint on searching for icons.

1.1. PlantUML Standard Library Overview

This overview is at May 2020.

PlantUML Standard Library includes several icon libraries from different sources (including myself) and they are varied in functionality and how to use them.

The most recent addition is https://github.com/awslabs/aws-icons-for-plantuml.

https://github.com/awslabs/aws-icons-for-plantuml (Amazon) builds on the work of https://github.com/RicardoNiepel (MicroSoft):

  1. https://github.com/RicardoNiepel/Azure-PlantUML

  2. https://github.com/RicardoNiepel/C4-PlantUML which builds on https://c4model.com/

    These in turn build on


There are now 2 AWS icon sets in PlantUML Stdlib:

Broadly, the main groupings (based on macro definition) are per diagram. Osa and Elastic are based on aws.

* Standard Library groupings
** C4 (does not contain sprites)
** Sprites
*** Sprites only
**** logos
**** cloudinsight
**** kubernetes
*** Sprites and Macros
**** Type 1
***** aws (origina)
****** osa
****** elastic
**** Type 2
***** azure
****** awslib (newest)
**** Type 3
***** office
***** tupadr3
****** cloudogu
**** Type 4
***** material

PlantUML Stdlib Groupings Of Libraries Based On Similarity

1.1.1. Type 1 (e_type,e_color,e_sprite,label,alias,e_stereo)

AWS is one of the original stdlib entries - it’s from 2017. Some libraries, listed below, followed the same layout, or used the same tools to create the sprites.

https://github.com/plantuml/plantuml-stdlib/blob/master/aws/AI/AmazonLex/ contains 4 files:

  • AmazonLex-sprite.puml 68x72/16 sprite

  • AmazonLex.puml same as AmazonLex-sprite.puml but with macros

  • AmazonLex_LARGE-sprite.puml 340x360/16

  • AmazonLex_LARGE.puml same as AmazonLex_LARGE-sprite.puml but with macros

The macros look like:

:: code-block:

!define AMAZONLEX(alias) PUML_ENTITY(component,#2F74B8,AmazonLex,alias,AmazonLex)

!definelong AMAZONLEX(alias,label,e_type="component",e_color="#2F74B8",e_stereo="AmazonLex",e_sprite="AmazonLex")
!enddefinelong osa


:: code-block:

!define LEFT(alias) PUML_ENTITY(component,black,left,alias,left)

!definelong LEFT(alias,label,e_type="component",e_color="black",e_stereo="left",e_sprite="left")
!enddefinelong elastic


:: code-block:

!define APM(alias) PUML_ENTITY(agent,00BFB3,apm,alias,apm)

!definelong APM(alias,label,e_type="agent",e_color="00BFB3",e_stereo="apm",e_sprite="apm")

1.1.2. Type 2 (e_alias, e_label, e_techn, e_descr)

Below shows what the macros look like for each icon azure


!define AzureBatchAI(e_alias, e_label, e_techn) AzureEntity(e_alias, e_label, e_techn, AZURE_SYMBOL_COLOR, AzureBatchAI, AzureBatchAI)
!define AzureBatchAI(e_alias, e_label, e_techn, e_descr) AzureEntity(e_alias, e_label, e_techn, e_descr, AZURE_SYMBOL_COLOR, AzureBatchAI, AzureBatchAI) awslib


!define ARVR(e_alias, e_label, e_techn) AWSEntity(e_alias, e_label, e_techn, #CC2264, ARVR, ARVR)
!define ARVR(e_alias, e_label, e_techn, e_descr) AWSEntity(e_alias, e_label, e_techn, e_descr, #CC2264, ARVR, ARVR)
!define ARVRParticipant(p_alias, p_label, p_techn) AWSParticipant(p_alias, p_label, p_techn, #CC2264, ARVR, ARVR)
!define ARVRParticipant(p_alias, p_label, p_techn, p_descr) AWSParticipant(p_alias, p_label, p_techn, p_descr, #CC2264, ARVR, ARVR)

The BatchParticipant part supports adding icons to sequence diagrams i.e.

!define BatchParticipant(p_alias, p_label, p_techn) AWSParticipant(p_alias, p_label, p_techn, #D86613, Batch, Batch)

@startuml Sequence Diagram - Spots and stereotypes

'source from https://github.com/awslabs/aws-icons-for-plantuml

!define AWSPuml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/awslabs/aws-icons-for-plantuml/master/dist
!includeurl AWSPuml/AWSCommon.puml
!includeurl AWSPuml/Compute/all.puml
!includeurl AWSPuml/Mobile/APIGateway.puml
!includeurl AWSPuml/General/InternetGateway.puml
!includeurl AWSPuml/Database/DynamoDB.puml

actor User as user
APIGatewayParticipant(api, Credit Card System, All methods are POST)
DynamoDBParticipant(db, PaymentTransactions, sortkey=transaction_id+token)
InternetGatewayParticipant(processor, Authorizer, Returns status and token)

user -> api: Process transaction\nPOST /prod/process
api -> lambda: Invokes lambda with cardholder details
lambda -> processor: Submit via API token\ncard number, expiry, CID
processor -> processor: Validate and create token
processor -> lambda: Returns status code and token
lambda -> db: PUT transaction id, token
lambda -> api: Returns\nstatus code, transaction id
api -> user: Returns status code

Sequence diagram with icons

1.1.3. Type 3 (_alias, _label, _shape, _color) office


!define OFF_AZURE(_alias) ENTITY(rectangle,black,azure,_alias,OFF AZURE)
!define OFF_AZURE(_alias,_label) ENTITY(rectangle,black,azure,_label,_alias,OFF AZURE)
!define OFF_AZURE(_alias,_label,_shape) ENTITY(_shape,black,azure,_label,_alias,OFF AZURE)
!define OFF_AZURE(_alias,_label,_shape,_color) ENTITY(_shape,_color,azure,_label,_alias,OFF AZURE) cloudogu

!define TOOL_ANSIBLE(_alias) ENTITY(rectangle,black,ansible,_alias,TOOL ANSIBLE)
!define TOOL_ANSIBLE(_alias, _label) ENTITY(rectangle,black,ansible,_label, _alias,TOOL ANSIBLE)
!define TOOL_ANSIBLE(_alias, _label, _shape) ENTITY(_shape,black,ansible,_label, _alias,TOOL ANSIBLE)
!define TOOL_ANSIBLE(_alias, _label, _shape, _color) ENTITY(_shape,_color,ansible,_label, _alias,TOOL ANSIBLE)
skinparam folderBackgroundColor<<TOOL ANSIBLE>> White
@enduml tupadr3

!define DEV_ANDROID(_alias) ENTITY(rectangle,black,android,_alias,DEV ANDROID)
!define DEV_ANDROID(_alias, _label) ENTITY(rectangle,black,android,_label, _alias,DEV ANDROID)
!define DEV_ANDROID(_alias, _label, _shape) ENTITY(_shape,black,android,_label, _alias,DEV ANDROID)
!define DEV_ANDROID(_alias, _label, _shape, _color) ENTITY(_shape,_color,android,_label, _alias,DEV ANDROID)
skinparam folderBackgroundColor<<DEV ANDROID>> White

1.1.4. Type 4 (_color, _scale, _alias, _shape, _label) material


1153 files (not in categorised folders)
!define MA_ACCESS_POINT(_color)                                 SPRITE_PUT(                                   ma_access_point, _color)
!define MA_ACCESS_POINT(_color, _scale)                         SPRITE_PUT(                                   ma_access_point, _color, _scale)
!define MA_ACCESS_POINT(_color, _scale, _alias)                 SPRITE_ENT(  _alias, MA ACCESS_POINT,         ma_access_point, _color, _scale)
!define MA_ACCESS_POINT(_color, _scale, _alias, _shape)         SPRITE_ENT(  _alias, MA ACCESS_POINT,         ma_access_point, _color, _scale, _shape)
!define MA_ACCESS_POINT(_color, _scale, _alias, _shape, _label) SPRITE_ENT_L(_alias, MA ACCESS_POINT, _label, ma_access_point, _color, _scale, _shape)
skinparam folderBackgroundColor<<MA ACCESS_POINT>> White

1.1.5. No Macros

The following macros are sprites only with no macros. cloudinsight


This one includes sprites only. kubernetes


This does include a https://github.com/plantuml/plantuml-stdlib/blob/master/kubernetes/k8s-skinparam.puml

Icons are grouped into a file based on resolutions and labels

  • Different resolutions 64x63/16z, 128x125/16z, 256x249/16z]

  • labeled or unlabeled

1.2. Superset Of Parameters

The superset of parameters in macros:

  • sprite

  • color

  • scale (material library only)

  • shape (Type 1 (e_type), 4 (_shape))

  • technology

  • description

  • label

These Text attributes are not parameters:

  • Text Size: where text size does vary in some libraries

  • Number of Individual Text fields

  • Order of Individual Text fields