Welcome to DOCDAC’s documentation!

Documentation-Of-Code Documentation-As-Code

NOTE: See https://crashedmind.github.io/docdac-site/ for the rendered version.


Within 5 minutes, you can build this guide and all the diagrams in it, and the toolset, from source text files in GIT.

git clone git@github.com:Crashedmind/docdac.git #get the documentation and toolset (Dockerfile) source text files
cd ./docdac
./docker_build.sh # build toolset form Docker file
./sphinx_build.sh # build this html guide using the toolset

You can then use this as the basis to integrate your own DoxyGen content into a modern, powerful, good-looking documentation that includes easily generated diagrams. Click “View page source” on pages to see how they were written.

  1. Create your own content

  2. Build it using ./sphinx_build.sh

  3. Give users useful documentation they will enjoy reading

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